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Postdoctoral  Researchers


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We are actively recruiting 4-6 postdoctoral researchers. The candidates should hold a PhD degree in the major related to biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, material sci&eng, biophysics, bioinformatics, molecular biology, or biochemistry.
The candidates with backgrounds in organoid&stem cell culturing, microfluidics, biomaterials, bioinformatics, machine learning, and soft matter are welcomed.

Please send your CV to if you are interested.

PhD & Master students


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We currently only have 1 position for PhD graduate students, and 1 position for Master graduate students every academic year. 

Undergraduate students


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For undergraduates interested in gaining research experience in our lab, please send a brief description (1 - 2 paragraphs) explaining your interest in the lab along with a CV to No background is required.

Yiwei Lab

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